Saturday, December 5, 2009

WhiteSmoke Template-Family

1.Apology to Brother

Dear ...
I feel very bad about the way things have been left between us and I need to write you a few words. I have been thinking about you a lot lately. I love you as my brother and I can no longer stand back and leave things the way they are between us.
I know I have not been myself this last while and have lashed out at you badly. I�ve said some things to you that I didn�t mean, and I am truly sorry. As you know I have been under a tremendous amount of stress, and that stress now has been affecting me in negative ways at times. That does not excuse me for my behavior!!
Please forgive me for being so careless with my words...I wish I could take it all back.
As I reflect about the path that I`m taking in my life, I think about the sacrifices that I, and those around me, are making. I guess that life can be,but should not be, a whole lot of sacrifices. I just wish there was a way to help you understand what I am going through and why I keep going ahead with this. The most important reason is because __(describe why it�s important to do this)__. At the end of the day, I really am only trying to keep my head above water and succeed.
There have been many times I have thought of calling you, especially on those days when I am feeling weary and discouraged. Those are the times where I am most ratty and yet need your comforting words. More than anything else, I would welcome your friendship to see me through these tough times. I need you in my life, __(name), you are my brother. You are more important to me than you know. I�m just asking you for your patience and understanding during this critical time in my really has not been easy for me.
Knowing that you are there for me would make things so much better. I hope that I am able to work through this and as I progress with my own problems will be able to include you as my brother and even better yet, become good friends.
I would really like to get together with you soon to talk this through, if you�re willing.

Very sincerely,

2. Family News Update

This letter is to find out how you are and to catch up with a bit of my family news!!
How is life in (country, state).? I hear that it is very cold this time of year, so I hope that you are keeping warm by bundling up and eating the delicious (dish) I have so many fond memories of during my last visit!
Life here is good. I am still (studying/working, etc) as usual, but have taken up a new hobby: ________________.
I really love having a hobby to which I can turn after a long day of work, and I always make time for it.
My family is doing well, and all succeeding in their respective jobs and family responsibilities. We are planning a huge celebration for the holidays, and I really am looking forward to that time of year. I so enjoy the lights, the festivities, taking time off from work and spending time with those closest to me. What is new and or news with you? Are you still (activity)?
I wish you and your family the very best for the festive season and hope this letter finds you well.
Needless to say, I hope to get a reply very soon.
Very best wishes,

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