Saturday, December 5, 2009

WhiteSmoke Template-Cover Latter

1.Cover Letter - Grant Proposal

Re: Name of Grant
Our Organization is pleased to submit this request for your review. We look forward to your partnership in our cooperative efforts to rebuild our Community.
Our proposal requests $ (amount of request) to launch our creative homeowner down payment revolving loan program to provide a 50/50 match 'down payment' to enable the low-and moderate-income residents of our Community the opportunity to own their own homes.
Our homeownership down payment loan model is creative in promoting homeownership opportunities for the tenants of the Organization rental housing. This Grant program supports the Grantmaker objectives to promote community resident home-ownership opportunities.
We have secured $ (Amount) funds to seed the program, have pre-qualified more than 100 community residents for down payment loans, and bring a 50/50 match for every dollar in this request.
For the last fifteen years, our Organization has successfully produced affordable housing in the Organization. We have delivered more than 1000 units of affordable housing to our community. Your ongoing investment in our housing programs and projects will enable us to continue to effectively serve our impoverished community, and its working poor residents.
Thank you for your interest in the Organization. We envisage building upon our collaborative success by developing our homeownership down payment loan program with you.

2. Grant Cover Sheet

Date of application:

Name of organization. Improvement Program, Inc. (IP)

The purpose of the Grant is for IP to use the funds to form a housing management company that will forge private and public partnerships to manage a portion of the City-owned or controlled low-income housing units in our community.

Below are the details requested:
Telephone No:
Name of Executive Director:
Contact Person and Title:
Our Grant request is for: $.........
Total organizational budget (for current fiscal year): $..........
Budget Period (month/day/year):
Total project budget (if requesting project support): $..........
Dates covered by project budget (month/day/year):
Project name:

Yours sincerely,

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